觅识: Adding a new post or project.

最后更新: 2024年3月14日


Create a folder in the respective collection you wish to create content. The name of the folder will be the slug in which your content will be found.

creating the following


will be published to



Front matter is in yaml if you are familiar with the format. All posts and projects require frontmatter at the top of the document to be imported. All frontmatter must be inside triple dashes, similar to Astro format. See example below.

知识 Collection

titlestringyesTitle of the post. Used in SEO.
summarystringyesShort description of the post. Used in SEO.
datestringyesAny string date that javascript can convert. Used in sorting
tagsarrayyesPost topic. Array of strings. Used in filtering.
draftbooleannoHides the post from collections. Unpublished entry.

Example blog post frontmatter

title: "觅识: Adding a new post or project."
summary: "Adding a new article (blog post or project) is pretty easy."
date: "Mar 18 2024"
draft: true
- Tutorial
- Astro
- 觅识

用例 Collection (extends 知识 Collection)

titlestringyesTitle of the post. Used in SEO.
summarystringyesShort description of the post. Used in SEO.
datestringyesAny string date that javascript can convert. Used in sorting
tagsarrayyesPost topic. Array of strings. Used in filtering.
draftbooleannoHides the post from collections. Unpublished entry.
demoUrlstringnoA link to the deployed project, if applicable.
repoUrlstringnoA link to the repository, if applicable.

Example project frontmatter

title: "觅识"
summary: "觅识, a portfolio and blog for designers and developers."
date: "Mar 18 2024"
draft: true
- Astro
- Typescript
- Javascript
- Tailwind
- SolidJS
demoUrl: https://astro-sphere.vercel.app
repoUrl: https://github.com/markhorn-dev/astro-sphere

Write your content

You’ve made it this far, all that is left to do is write your content beneath the frontmatter. Writing markdown will be covered in the next article.
